Sooo. You are reaching the half century threshold (or it is already behind you). And you are feeling, at best, confused, or at worst, defused and depressed. There is something “off”… Do you lack excitement about continuing the same way for the next 40 (or so) years. Is this all? And you don’t really know what to do about it or where to start? Unapologetic is for you.

Unapologetic is designed for wise women who want to create the rest of their lives, to enter a new era, on their own terms this time

We work with “grown up” women (in their 40s and 50s), who – like us – built a decent career, learnt to successfully manage our private life (with or without kids) and who feel that it’s time to take a good look at who you are, where you are at and where you want to be. To put yourself first.

We have been there, both of us, in different ways. And we both know that this is not only a moment of crisis, but also a crucial moment of reinvention. Numerologists believe that the early 50s represent a turning point in our lives offering us the opportunity to create on a soul level what the rest of our life will be like.

What is “Unapologetic – New beginnings”?

This training is about waking up to a new reality. Waking up to who we are as wise women, as elders.

It is about embracing the stage of life we are in, about shedding layers of our being and doing that do not serve us anymore. And to discover who we are under decades of conditioning, of being very nice and accommodating, of taking care of everyone else around us.

This first part of the journey is about taking stock and creating new ways of seeing and interacting with the world and people around us. In ways that are more organic, more sovereign, and more authentic. And doing so unapologetically.

What you will get

See through the conditioning and adaptation that probably led you to feeling “off”, empty, and wondering where to go.

Break the spell of societal niceness and goodness and uncover your own desires.

Play. Get back in touch with joy and pleasure.

Join a tribe of women who are crossing the same threshold.


This is the first run through of this brand-new training, which is a co-creation enthusiastically put together based on our own personal experiences. We have lived through different hardships, such as cancer, loss from very close ones, addiction, unemployment, and depression. And we both re-shaped our lives despite or because of those.

For this first round, which is on invitation only, we will create a small cohort of women (max 8), to which we offer this training at half price. What we expect from you is to fully bring yourself, to participate until the end, and to support us to fine-tune the program through your constructive feedback after the training (questionnaire and a short interview).

Unapologetic is a five-week group training. We will connect on a weekly basis for 1,5h each.

Starting date: May (call times to be agreed within the group).

Your investment : CHF 325 (instead of 650) / EUR 325 (instead of 650)

Your trainers – Lisa Kretschmann and Geneviève Berclaz

We are two former corporate bitches who fought their way up like warriors. And with great success: chairing a bank, successfully managing international organizations, launching our businesses, being a mum. We integrated what it is to work in a masculine environment, maybe a bit too much… Until exhaustion.

At some point, we realized that playing the game with someone else’s rules had its limitations and was unfulfilling. We both felt that we were living in the wrong movie. For different reasons and from different perspectives.

We rediscovered the enormous choice we have in life, the specific gifts we have as women and the possibilities that come with life experience. We are both done with letting anybody else decide over our lives. We are excited about the new careers, the new lifestyles and relationships we have created (with ourselves and others). And we are enthusiastic about this new program we have birthed together, which carries our very personal desire to support other women on the same path.

Geneviève’s kink: understand how people function and make it more organic for them

Lisa’s kink: looking through the stories we are telling ourselves and creating new goals

If you feel called to apply or know more, please contact:, +41 79 706 78 97 , +32 473 84 11 01